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2014年8月31日 星期日

VB.Net Snippet 程式碼片段資料-基本-集合,資料類型,檔案系統,數學

基本類的Visual Studio2013 Snippet,
其中基本類的程式碼片段包含- 集合,資料類型,檔案系統,數學

2.My Code程式碼片段
4.Windows Form應用程式
11.程式碼模式-If,For Each,Try Catch,Property

8.1.1在陣列中尋找元素: 在陣列中尋找指定元素的索引。
Dim index As Integer
        index = Array.IndexOf(myArray, "value")

8.1.2使用索引鍵在強類型字典中索引: 使用索引鍵在強類型字典中索引。
Dim capitol As String = stateCaps.Item("NM")

8.1.3依據索引鍵逐一查看排序的字典: 依據索引鍵排序清單逐一查看字典中的所有項目。
' Loop through the items based on key
For Each rank As Integer In sortedStudents.Keys
    Dim student As String = sortedStudents.Item(rank)


8.1.4初始化一維陣列: 初始化一維陣列。
Dim oneDimArray() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}

8.1.5定義排序常式中使用的類型比較子: 比較兩個物件並傳回值,指出其中一個物件為小於、等於或大於另一個物件。
Public Class IntegerComparer
   Inherits Comparer(Of Integer)
   Public Overrides Function Compare(ByVal param1 As Integer, _
 ByVal param2 As Integer) As Integer
      If param1 < param2 Then
         ' result = <0 if param1 < param2
         Return -1
      ElseIf param1 > param2 Then
         ' result = >0 if param1 > param2
         Return 1
         ' result = 0 if param1 = param2
         Return 0
     End If
   End Function
End Class

8.1.6建立含有一個項目類型的索引集合: 建立儲存以索引鍵索引的特殊項目類型的字典。
' Backing storage -- a generic dictionary
Dim stateCaps As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
' Add items to the dictionary
stateCaps.Add( "WA" , "Olympia")
stateCaps.Add( "NM" , "Santa Fe")

8.1.7建立含有單一類型項目的清單: 建立儲存特殊類型之項目的集合。
' Backing storage -- a generic list
Dim names As New List(Of String)()
' Add an item to the Collection

8.1.8建立排序的字典: 建立排序的字典,以儲存特定的項目類型。
' Backing storage -- a generic dictionary
Dim sortedStudents As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, String)
' Add items to the dictionary
sortedStudents.Add(1, "Mary Chase")
sortedStudents.Add(2, "Barnaby Williams")

8.1.9ArrayList轉換成強類型陣列: 使用 ToArray(Type) ArrayList 轉換成強類型陣列
Dim newArray() As String = CType(existingArrayList.ToArray( _
GetType(String)), String())

8.1.10排序陣列: 宣告字串物件的陣列、填入該陣列,然後依字母順序排序該陣列。
Dim animals() As String = {"lion", "turtle", "ostrich"}

8.1.11逐一查看字典: 逐一查看字典中的所有項目。
' Iterate through a dictionary
For Each capitol As String In stateCaps.Values


8.1.12逐一查看集合: 逐一查看集合中的特定項目類型。
' Iterate through a collection
For Each name As String In names


8.2.1在平假名和片假名字元之間轉換 (僅限日文): 在字串中轉換平假名和片假名字元。
' Convert Katakana to Hiragana (Japanese Only).
Dim hString As String = StrConv("Katakana String", _
' Convert Hiragana to Katakana (Japanese Only).
Dim kString As String = StrConv("Hiragana String", _

8.2.2在寬字元和窄字元之間轉換: 在字串中轉換寬字元和窄字元。
' Convert Wide to Narrow.
Dim nString As String = StrConv("Wide String", VbStrConv.Narrow)
' Convert Narrow to Wide.
Dim wString As String = StrConv("Narrow String", VbStrConv.Wide)

8.2.3在簡體中文和繁體中文字元之間轉換: 在字串中轉換簡體中文和繁體中文字元。
' Convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.
Dim tString As String = StrConv("Simplified Chinese String", _
' Convert Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese.
Dim sString As String = StrConv("Traditional Chinese String", _

8.2.4判斷兩個日期之間的時間長度: 計算兩個日期之間相差的日數,同時為此差異建構 TimeSpan 值。
Dim oldDate As Date = #1/1/2002#
Dim newDate As Date = Now
' You can also determine the difference in times in other units.
Dim difference As TimeSpan = newTime - oldTime
Dim differenceInDays As Double = difference.TotalDays

8.2.5判斷兩個時間之間的時間長度: 計算同一天中兩個時間相差的秒數,同時為此差異建構 TimeSpan 值。
Dim oldTime As Date = Today
Dim newTime As Date = Now
' You can also determine the difference in times in other units.
Dim difference As TimeSpan = newTime - oldTime
Dim differenceInSeconds As Double = difference.TotalSeconds

8.2.6析電子郵件地址: 由電子郵件地址傳回使用者名稱和提供者名稱。
Dim emailParts() As String
Dim user As String
Dim provider As String
emailParts = "".Split("@".ToCharArray, 2)
If emailParts.Length = 2 Then
    user = emailParts(0)
    provider = emailParts(1)
    ' Email address is not valid. The expected format is user@provider.*
    user = String.Empty
    provider = String.Empty
End If

8.2.7 Byte() 轉換成影像: Byte() 轉換成影像。位元組陣列通常是影像資訊儲存在資料庫中的方式
Public Function GetImageFromByteArray(ByVal bytes As Byte()) As Bitmap
        Return CType(Bitmap.FromStream(New IO.MemoryStream(bytes)), Bitmap)
End Function

8.2.8將字串轉換為位元組陣列: 將字串轉換為位元組陣列。
Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("StringToConvert")

8.2.9將位元組陣列轉換為字串: 將位元組陣列轉換為字串
Private Function ConvertByteArrayToString(ByVal byteArray As Byte()) As String
        Dim enc As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
        Dim text As String = enc.GetString(byteArray)
        Return text
End Function

8.2.10將影像轉換成 Byte():將影像轉換成 Byte()。位元組陣列通常是影像資訊儲存在資料庫中的方式
Public Function GetByteArrayFromImage(ByVal img As Bitmap) As Byte()
        Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
        img.Save(ms, Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
        Dim outBytes(CInt(ms.Length - 1)) As Byte
        ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
        ms.Read(outBytes, 0, CInt(ms.Length))
        Return outBytes
End Function

8.2.11將數字轉換為八進位字串: 傳回整數的八進位字串表示。
Dim octal As String = Oct(48)

8.2.12將數字轉換為十六進位字串: 傳回整數的十六進位表示。
Dim hexString As String = 48.ToString("X")

8.2.13產生多行字串常值: 建構長度為三行的字串常值。
Dim longString As String
longString = _
    "This is the first line of my string." & Environment.NewLine &  _
    "This is the second line of my string." & Environment.NewLine & _
    "This is the third line of my string."

8.2.14移除字串的部分: 從一個字串中移除出現另一個字串的所有位置。
Dim withParts As String = "Books and Chapters and Pages"
Dim withoutParts As String = withParts.Replace("and ", "")

8.3.1使用 Random 類別取得亂數: 產生介於上限和下限之間的隨機整數。
Dim generator As New Random
Dim randomValue As Integer
randomValue = generator.Next(10, 100)

8.3.2計算年數合計折舊: 傳回指定資產經過一段指定期間後,年數合計折舊數的雙精度浮點數。
Dim depreciation As Double
depreciation = SYD(1000, 200, 3, 2005)

8.3.3計算指定角度的正切函數: 將角度的單位從角度轉換成弧度,然後計算角度的正切函數
Dim radians As Double = 120 * Math.PI / 180
Dim tan As Double = Math.Tan(radians)

8.3.4計算指定角度的正弦函數: 將角度的單位從角度轉換成弧度,然後計算角度的正弦函數
Dim radians As Double = 120 * Math.PI / 180
Dim sin As Double = Math.Sin(radians)

8.3.5計算指定角度的餘弦函數: 將角度的單位從角度轉換成弧度,然後計算角度的餘弦函數
Dim radians As Double = 120 * Math.PI / 180
Dim cos As Double = Math.Cos(radians)

8.3.6計算貸款的每月付款金額: 計算貸款的每月付款金額。
Dim futureValue As Double = 0
Dim payment As Double
payment = Pmt(.05 / 12, 36, -1000, futureValue, DueDate.EndOfPeriod)

8.4.1比較兩個檔案: 比較兩個檔案。
Private Function CompareFiles(ByVal file1 As String, ByVal file2 As String) As Boolean
   ' Set to true if the files are equal; false otherwise
    Dim filesAreEqual As Boolean = False
    With My.Computer.FileSystem
       ' Ensure that the files are the same length before comparing them line by line.
       If .GetFileInfo(file1).Length = .GetFileInfo(file2).Length Then
             Using file1Reader As New FileStream(file1, FileMode.Open), _
                 file2Reader As New FileStream(file2, FileMode.Open)
                 Dim byte1 As Integer = file1Reader.ReadByte()
                 Dim byte2 As Integer = file2Reader.ReadByte()
                ' If byte1 or byte2 is a negative value,
                 we have reached the end of the file.
                While byte1 >= 0 AndAlso byte2 >= 0
                        If (byte1 <> byte2) Then
                            filesAreEqual = False
                            Exit While
                            filesAreEqual = True
                        End If
                        ' Read the next byte.
                        byte1 = file1Reader.ReadByte()
                        byte2 = file2Reader.ReadByte()
                End While
             End Using
       End If
    End With
    Return filesAreEqual
End Function

8.4.2由檔案讀取文字: 將文字檔的內容讀取至字串中。
Dim fileContents As String
fileContents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:\Test.txt")

8.4.3列舉電腦上的磁碟: 列舉電腦上的磁碟。
For Each drive In My.Computer.FileSystem.Drives


8.4.4在目錄中遞迴搜尋檔案: 在目錄中遞迴搜尋檔案。
Dim files As ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)
files = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:\", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.txt")

8.4.5在檔案中搜尋運算式: 在目錄中的檔案內搜尋運算式。
Dim files As ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)
files = My.Computer.FileSystem.FindInFiles("C:\", "Text To Search For", True, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.txt")

8.4.6判斷資料夾是否存在: 設定布林值變數,表示指定的資料夾是否存在。
Dim folderExists As Boolean
folderExists = My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\TestDirectory")

8.4.10判斷檔案大小: 取得檔案大小,並指派給變數
Dim fileSize As Long
fileSize = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("filename.txt").Length

8.4.7判斷檔案是否存在: 設定布林值變數,表示指定的檔案是否存在。
Dim fileExists As Boolean
fileExists = My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\Test.txt")

8.4.8刪除檔案: 使用者確認刪除之後刪除檔案。
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Test.txt", _
 FileIO.UIOption.AllDialogs, _

8.4.9取得檔案的相關資訊: 取得包含檔案相關資訊的物件。
Dim fileData As FileInfo = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("C:\Test.txt")

8.4.10建立資料夾: 在此電腦上建立新資料夾。

8.4.11建立暫存檔案名稱: 建立暫存檔案的名稱。
Dim fileName As String
fileName = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetTempFileName()

8.4.12建立檔案: 建立新檔案。
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Test.txt", _
String.Empty, False)

8.4.12重新命名目錄: 重新命名目錄。
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameDirectory("C:\OldDirectory", _

8.4.13重新命名檔案: 重新命名檔案。
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("C:\OldFilename.txt", _

8.4.14將文字寫入檔案: 將一行文字寫入文字檔中,如果檔案存在則取代任何文字。
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Test.txt", "Text", True)

8.4.15移動檔案: 將檔案移動到新的目錄。
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile("C:\OldDirectory\File.txt", _

8.4.16尋找可用的磁碟空間量: 取得可用的磁碟空間量。
Dim freeSpace As Long
freeSpace = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDriveInfo("C:\").TotalFreeSpace

8.4.17寫入二進位檔案: 將位元組寫入二進位檔案。
Dim fileContents() As Byte = {244, 123, 56, 34}
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("C:\Output.bin", fileContents, True)

8.4.18複製目錄: 複製目錄及其所有檔案和子目錄。
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory("C:\SourceDirectory", "D:\DestinationDirectory")

8.4.19複製檔案: Source.txt 檔複製到另一個檔案 Copy.txt 中。
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("C:\Source.txt", "C:\NewFolder\Dest.txt")

8.4.20擷取本機電腦上的磁碟: 擷取本機電腦上的磁碟名稱。
Dim driveNames As New List(Of String)
For Each drive As DriveInfo In My.Computer.FileSystem.Drives

8.4.21讀取 [我的文件] 資料夾中的檔案: [我的文件] 資料夾中文字檔的內容,讀取至單一字串中。
Dim fullFilePath As String
Dim fileContents As String
With My.Computer.FileSystem
    fullFilePath = .CombinePath(.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments, "test.txt")
    fileContents = .ReadAllText(fullFilePath)
End With

8.4.22讀取二進位檔案: 由二進位檔案讀取資料。
Dim fileContents As Byte()
filecontents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes("C:\Test.txt")

8.4.23讀取以符號分隔的文字檔: 由以逗號分隔之資料的文字檔中,傳回每一欄和列的值。也可能會使用其他分隔符號。
Dim filename As String = "C:\Test.txt"
Dim fields As String()
Dim delimiter As String = ","
   Using parser As New TextFieldParser(filename)
    While Not parser.EndOfData
    ' Read in the fields for the current line
         fields = parser.ReadFields()
    ' Add code here to use data in fields variable.
    End While
End Using



